
Our recipes and cocktails

Cream and crackers of mature sheep’s cheese from Achel with cherry pear tomatoes marinated in BlossomGueuze with onion

Cream and crackers of mature sheep’s cheese from Achel with cherry pear tomatoes marinated in BlossomGueuze with onion




Finely grate 200g cheese and heat up with the milk and the kappa.

Allow to set and then blend into a smooth cream. 

Crackers of cheese  


Blend the puree of celeriac with the Trisol.

Spread thinly onto a baking mat that has been sprinkled with grated cheese.

Then bake in the oven at 120 °C.   

Marinated cherry tomatoes  


Bring to the boil: 200g BlossomGueuze, apple vinegar, beer vinegar, thyme and bay and allow to cool.

Peel the tomatoes and steep in the cold marinade. 

Onion garnish 


Fry several onions until crispy and crumble them. 

Onion cream 


Simmer 200g onion, 125g Jonagold apple, 1 clove of garlic, chilli pepper, 70ml BlossomGueuze and sugar until soft.

Blend into a smooth cream and season.

Garnish with delicate salad leaves and herbs.