Stew of Limburg rabbit
Finely chop the onion, sweat, sprinkle with sugar and allow to caramelise. Season the rabbit forelegs with pepper and salt, fry and add to the onion. Deglaze with the veal stock, add the Lindemans Framboise and reduce. Add a further quantity of veal stock and simmer until done. Remove the rabbit legs from the sauce and de-bone. Reduce the sauce down to the required consistency, add the meat and season. Finish o with a dash of beer vinegar.
Foam of asparagus
Peel the asparagus, boil until cooked and puree. Blend 175ml of asparagus puree with 75ml egg white, season and pour into a foam gun.
Vanilla oil
Heat the grapeseed oil to 70°C. Cut open the vanilla stick, scrape out the seeds and add to the oil. Allow to steep.