
Lindemans presents

Lindemans Pure Oude Gueuze

Taste the purity of 7-year-old lambic aged in a single oak barrel

To all lovers of lambic and geuze: Meet our newest creation Lindemans Pure Oude Gueuze!

The limited edition Oude Gueuze Pure 2017 that you are holding right now is the result of seven years of craftsmanship and patience. Seven years during which our lambic was kept pure in a single oak barrel. The result? More depth of flavor, more character and a truly sparkling lambic signature.

It is characterized by its golden colour and smooth, slightly sour taste with a sherry-like aroma. Truly a Gueuze for beer connoisseurs. Only 12,000 bottles were filled. Available in Belgium and limited markets only.

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Secret technique

This exclusive Oude Geuze is a masterpiece, made with lambic that has aged for seven years on a single, large oak foeder.

since 2024
alcohol (alcohol content) 7 %
colour Golden colour
Conservation tip Due to the second fermentation process in the bottle, its shelf life is the same as that of a good bottle of wine. Bottles can be stored in a cellar lying on their sides. After transportation, a 3-day rest period will allow the yeast to settle to the bottom of the bottle. This makes it possible to serve the beer without it becoming cloudy.
calories 21 kcal per 100ml
taste It is characterized by its golden colour and smooth, slightly sour taste with a sherry-like aroma. Truly a Gueuze for beer connoisseurs.
serving temperature 5 °C °C


World Beer Awards

Silver Medal / country award / category Gueuze 2024

World Beer Awards

Silver Medal / country award / category Gueuze 2024